8 September 2014
Category Printing Service
8 September 2014,

Over the weekend our host incurred an outage that resulted in the Printing Service FTP Service failing. Due to this failure, no statements were received from any customers from Friday, September 6th 9:30PM to Monday, September 8th, 2014 10:00AM. Service has been restored as of  10:00AM CDT, Monday, September 8th, 2014.

Based on how you typically process statements, the following actions may need to be taken:

I send statements using Sales->Statements

When using Sales->Statements, Send to BT, an error should have been presented to the screen alerting the user that statements could not be uploaded or the application hangs. This should result in the statements remaining in the window. Please try the “Send to BT” operation again.

I send statements using the Event Scheduler

Please go to Maintenance->Event Scheduler

If the Event Processor Status is set to READY

This indicates that the Event Scheduler didn’t hang, though the statements may need to be sent manually using the Sales->Statements screen.

If the Event Processor Status is set to PROCESSING

Please verify that the Task Scheduler Task has ended by going to Task Scheduler
Click on “Display All Running Tasks”
If Platypus is listed and the run duration is longer than expected click End Task

Click the “Reset” button on the Event Scheduler
Verify the date and times of the scheduled actions above and process each one that should be processed starting with Paper Statements

If you have any questions or need assistance in resetting the Event Scheduler, please contact Platypus support at 888-752-8978  or via email at platypus@tucows.com.

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